
Flying Blue Status Match

Status Match for Frequent Travelers

Are regular air travels part of your daily routine? Take advantage of the Status Match offer within the Flying Blue loyalty program. The Air France & KLM Group's program was established in 2005 and currently has 20 million members worldwide. Participation in the program is based on earning miles for completed flight segments. The more connections, the more benefits and the higher the level of privileges, ranging from Explorer, through Silver and Gold, to Platinum.

Benefits of "Status Match"

With the automatic elevation of status in the Flying Blue program, travelers can immediately enjoy exclusive privileges during subsequent flights for the next 12 months. Benefits include faster mile accumulation, increased baggage allowances, complimentary access to airport lounges for Gold and Platinum cardholders, priority check-in and boarding, the right to select preferred seats before check-in, and more.

How to Take Advantage of the "Status Match" Offer

Eligible customers (those holding loyalty cards in other loyalty programs) can apply and upload scans of the required documents on the flyingblue.statusmatch.com Status update in Flying Blue occurs after the application is approved and the fee, which varies depending on the card level, is paid. The campaign is also open to customers who are not yet Flying Blue members. In this case, one must first register for the program and then complete the application.

Partnership with Loyalty Status Co

Loyalty Status Co is an award-winning entity specializing in applying technology in the travel industry. Its main activities focus on supporting loyalty programs worldwide in their development, acquiring new customers, and generating additional revenue. Loyalty Status Co owns and operates the statusmatch.com platform.

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